The Great Debate: Over or Under the Muscle for Breast Implant Placement

When it comes to breast augmentation, one of the biggest decisions a patient will make is where to place the implants. Should they go over the muscle or under the muscle? It's a question that has divided plastic surgeons for decades, much like the age-old debate of whether pineapple belongs on pizza (spoiler alert: it does not).

But in all seriousness, the placement of breast implants can greatly affect the look and feel of the final result. So how do you decide which option is best for you? Enter world-class plastic surgeon, Dr. Emily Borsting of Bend, Oregon. She can provide a consultation and help you navigate the often-confusing world of breast implant placement options.

Over the Muscle: Pros and Cons

When implants are placed over the muscle, they are placed directly behind the breast tissue. This can result in a more natural look and feel, as the implant is not obscured by muscle tissue. It also allows for quicker and easier surgery, as the muscle does not need to be dissected.

However, there are some downsides to this placement method. Since the implant is not supported by muscle tissue, it may have a higher chance of rippling or visibility. Additionally, patients with very little breast tissue may not have enough coverage to conceal the implant, resulting in a less natural look.

Under the Muscle: Pros and Cons

When implants are placed under the muscle, they are placed behind the muscle tissue of the chest wall. This can provide more natural-looking results, as the muscle can help to conceal the implant and create a more realistic shape. It also may be a better option for patients with little breast tissue, as the muscle provides added coverage.

But, as with all things in life, there are trade-offs. Placing the implant under the muscle requires a more extensive surgery, as the muscle needs to be dissected to make room for the implant. Recovery time may also be longer and there is a higher chance of experiencing pain or discomfort.

So, Which One is Right for Me?

Like most things in life, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best placement for you will depend on your individual anatomy, goals, and lifestyle. That's why it's important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Emily Borsting. She can help you weigh the pros and cons of each option and make an informed decision that's right for you.

So, whether you're looking to add a little volume or a lot, over or under the muscle, Dr. Borsting has got you covered. And remember, pineapple does not belong on pizza.


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