Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery: A Complete Guide

Are you tired of having to shop for bras in the kids section? Are your shoulders sore from the weight of your chest? Are you tired of people asking if you're pregnant when you're not? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be a candidate for breast reduction surgery.

This guide will take you through the benefits of breast reduction surgery, and what you can expect from the procedure. We'll also introduce you to Dr. Emily Borsting, a world-class plastic surgeon in Bend, Oregon who can provide a consultation and help you decide if breast reduction surgery is right for you.

What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the breasts. This can be done for both cosmetic and medical reasons. The procedure involves removing excess skin, fat and glandular tissue, and repositioning the nipple and areola. The goal of the surgery is to reduce the size of the breasts and improve their shape, making them proportional to the rest of the body.

Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery

There are many benefits to breast reduction surgery, both physical and emotional. Here are a few of the most common benefits:

Relief from Back and Neck Pain

One of the most common complaints among women with large breasts is back and neck pain. The weight of the breasts can cause strain on the muscles and ligaments in the back and neck, leading to chronic pain and discomfort. Breast reduction surgery can significantly reduce or even eliminate this pain.

Improved Posture

Large breasts can also cause poor posture. The weight of the breasts can pull the shoulders forward, leading to a hunched posture. Breast reduction surgery can help improve posture by reducing the weight on the chest, allowing the shoulders to sit in a more natural position.

Increased Self-Confidence

Large breasts can be a source of self-consciousness and embarrassment for many women. Breast reduction surgery can help increase self-confidence by improving the appearance of the breasts and making them more proportional to the rest of the body.

Improved Physical Activity

Large breasts can make it difficult to participate in physical activity, due to the weight and discomfort. Breast reduction surgery can improve physical activity by reducing the size of the breasts and eliminating pain and discomfort.

Improved Clothing Fit

Large breasts can make it difficult to find clothes that fit properly. Breast reduction surgery can improve clothing fit by reducing the size of the breasts, making it easier to find clothes that fit well and look good.

The Consultation

If you're considering breast reduction surgery, the first step is to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon. During the consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your medical history, discuss your goals and expectations, and examine your breasts. They will also discuss the different types of breast reduction surgery and the best option for you.

We highly recommend you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Emily Borsting, a world-class plastic surgeon in Bend, Oregon. She will provide you with a thorough evaluation and help you decide if breast reduction surgery is right for you.

The Surgery

The surgery itself typically takes 2-3 hours, depending on the extent of the reduction. The procedure is usually done under general anesthesia, and you will be able to go home the same day.

After the surgery, you will need to take it easy for a few weeks to allow your body to heal. You will also need to wear a compression garment for a few weeks to help reduce swelling and support your breasts as they heal.


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