Breast Augmentation: Round vs Teardrop Implants

Are you considering breast augmentation surgery? One important decision you'll need to make is whether to go with round or teardrop-shaped implants. Both have their pros and cons, and the right choice for you will depend on your unique goals and preferences.

Round Implants

Round implants are the more traditional choice for breast augmentation. They are symmetrical and smooth, and are designed to create a full, round appearance in the breasts. Some of the benefits of round implants include:

  • More natural-looking upper pole fullness

  • Less likely to rotate or shift position

  • Easier to correct symmetry issues

  • More options in terms of size and projection

However, round implants are not without their drawbacks. They can create a more artificial look, and may not be the best choice for those who are looking for a very natural appearance. They can also be more prone to rippling and wrinkling.

Teardrop Implants

Teardrop implants, also known as anatomic implants, are shaped like a natural breast, with a tapered top and a fuller bottom. They are designed to mimic the natural slope of the breast and create a more realistic look. Some of the benefits of teardrop implants include:

  • More natural-looking shape

  • Less visible rippling and wrinkling

  • Less likely to create an unnatural appearance in the upper pole of the breast

However, teardrop implants do have some downsides. They can be more difficult to insert and position, and may be more prone to shifting or rotating out of place. They also tend to have less options in terms of size and projection.

Choosing the Right Implants for You

Ultimately, the best type of implant for you will depend on your personal goals and preferences. If you're looking for a very natural look, teardrop implants may be the way to go. However, if you want a fuller, rounder appearance, round implants may be a better choice.

No matter which type of implant you choose, it's important to consult with a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon. Dr. Emily Borsting is a world-class plastic surgeon based in Bend, Oregon, who can help you decide which type of implant is right for you. Contact her office today to schedule a consultation.


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