Myths About Silicone Breast Implants

Are you considering breast augmentation, but feeling overwhelmed by all the information (and misinformation) out there about silicone breast implants? You're not alone! With so many different types of implants, and so many myths circulating, it can be hard to know what to believe.

That's why we've put together this guide to help separate fact from fiction when it comes to silicone breast implants. And if you're in the Bend, Oregon area, we highly recommend a consultation with Dr. Emily Borsting. As a renowned plastic surgeon, she can help you decide if breast augmentation is right for you, and discuss all your options with you in person.

Myth #1: Silicone breast implants are dangerous

One of the most persistent myths about silicone breast implants is that they're dangerous. But the truth is, silicone breast implants have been extensively studied and found to be safe.

In the early 1990s, there was a scare around silicone breast implants causing a variety of health problems, including autoimmune disorders and cancer. However, subsequent studies by the FDA and other organizations have found no evidence to support these claims.

In fact, the FDA has approved silicone breast implants for use in breast augmentation and reconstruction surgeries, and they continue to be used safely and effectively by plastic surgeons around the world.

Myth #2: Silicone breast implants will rupture easily

Another common myth is that silicone breast implants are prone to rupture, and that when they do, they'll cause all sorts of health problems. But again, this isn't true.

While all breast implants have a small chance of rupture, the risk is actually very low for silicone breast implants. And when a silicone implant does rupture, it's usually a silent rupture, meaning that you won't even know it's happened.

Even if a silicone implant does rupture, it's not a medical emergency. Most of the time, the silicone gel will stay within the scar tissue that forms around the implant (called a capsule) and will not cause any harm.

Myth #3: Silicone breast implants will look and feel unnatural

Some people believe that silicone breast implants will look and feel unnatural compared to other types of implants. But this simply isn't the case.

Silicone breast implants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and textures, and can be customized to fit your body and your aesthetic goals. And because silicone is a soft, pliable material, it can mimic the natural feel of breast tissue.

Of course, it's important to remember that any breast implant, regardless of the type, will look and feel different from natural breast tissue. But with the right surgeon and the right implant, you can achieve beautiful, natural-looking results.

Myth #4: Silicone breast implants are only for women with small breasts

Another myth is that silicone breast implants are only for women with small breasts. But this isn't true either.

Silicone breast implants can be used to augment the breasts of women of all sizes, and can be used in combination with other procedures such as a breast lift to achieve the desired results.

It's important to remember that breast augmentation is a highly individualized procedure, and the right implant and surgical plan will depend on your body, your goals, and your surgeon's recommendations.

The bottom line

There are many myths and misconceptions about silicone breast implants, but the truth is that they are a safe and effective option for breast augmentation. If you're in the Bend, Oregon area and considering breast augmentation, we highly recommend a consultation with Dr. Emily Borsting


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