Choosing a plastic surgeon: red flags

Are you considering a plastic surgery procedure? It's important to do your research and choose a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon to ensure the best possible results. While there are many talented plastic surgeons out there, there are also some who may not have the necessary skills or qualifications to provide top-quality care. In this blog post, we'll discuss some red flags to look out for when choosing a plastic surgeon.

Unrealistic promises or guarantees

While it's natural to want to achieve your desired results as quickly as possible, it's important to be realistic about what plastic surgery can and cannot achieve. If a plastic surgeon makes promises or guarantees that seem too good to be true, it's a red flag. A reputable plastic surgeon will be honest and upfront about the limitations of the procedure and what you can expect in terms of results.

Pressure to book surgery immediately

A plastic surgeon who pressures you to book surgery immediately without giving you time to consider your options and make an informed decision is not acting in your best interests. It's important to take your time and make sure you fully understand the risks and benefits of the procedure before moving forward.

Inadequate follow-up care

Proper follow-up care is essential for optimal recovery and results from plastic surgery. If a plastic surgeon does not offer follow-up care or makes it difficult for you to schedule follow-up appointments, it's a red flag. It's important to choose a plastic surgeon who is committed to providing top-quality care throughout the entire process, including after the surgery.

Poor communication or lack of transparency

Effective communication is crucial in any medical setting, and it's especially important when it comes to plastic surgery. If a plastic surgeon is not forthcoming with information or seems unwilling to answer your questions, it's a red flag. A reputable plastic surgeon will take the time to fully explain the procedure, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have.

If you're considering plastic surgery in Bend, Oregon, Dr. Emily Borsting is a world-class plastic surgeon who can provide a consultation and help you decide if the procedure is right for you. Contact her office today to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options.


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